PapaJohn's Tip of the Day - 1/26/05

  • Thread starter Thread starter PapaJohn \(MVP\)
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PapaJohn \(MVP\)

I'm starting a new feature with this post.... the subject tells the topic.

Saving a project file requires that it have an .MSWMM extension. But after
saving it, you can rename the file to whatever you want and it'll still work
fine in Movie Maker. What's the value of doing it?

Backups for example. A project file named MyNewMovie.MSWMM, when backed up
to a file named MyNewMovie.Backup, could co-exist in the same folder without
conflict, or if in another backup folder you would know it's a backup file
and not the original.... just by it's name.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -

I almost wish I was going to be around for the nexr few days....

These people have a hard time reading the manual and you are telling them
to take the unnecessary step of renaming Movie Maker project files...what
kind of a fool would want to do's a tip peoiple...give your
project a unique name so that you can easily find it in the future...

Have you heard popejohn...I have not looked yet, but a certain someone has
just left me a message saying that some of your inflamatory messages in
this newsgroup are being deleted by Microsoft....Well Well Well Popejohn
falls from grace eh! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
These people can and do read the manual and other material... and are astute
enough to read and post to newsgroups.

But many don't routinely backup their project files or collection databases.

Perhaps they think Movie Maker is automatically backing them up because of
that 'Auto-Recover' feature in the menu options, or perhaps they just
haven't thought about the subject. Giving a project file a unique name
doesn't result it being backed up.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -
Well, I guess the readers will make their own decission on your poorly
advised bit of always you are applying your own poor
computer skills to a topis which makes that topic sound more of an issue
than it is...Do you require me to post examples of your own poor computer
skills or do you want to leave that issue unanswered? I will be happy to
give a full and detailed account of your own abilities and how that lack of
knowledge leads you to your most recent remarks...if you like I can even
give the official microsoft method of dealing with the matter of
backups...clearly something else you do not have any idea about.

I look forward to reading further stupid tips of the always
leading with your chin brightens my day considerably.....keep up the good
work Lololol

By the way, where is your response to the fact that Microsoft are now
deleting your know the ones where you tell further lies in
an attempt at covering up some of your silly statements??? Hmmmm???

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
What??? do something that you can earn more money from....give it up as a
bad job pal.....

And I still do not see your reply to the remark that Microsoft themselves
are deleting your remarks containing LIES.....Shall I start with your remark
that you post messages in 52 Newsgroups !!! Or shall I go the remarks made
to another boasting how you had defeated (the non existent block) on the FTP
site I run...followed by the lies attached to that???? Or should we just
settle for how you are ripping off the people in here by charging them for
basic services or how you adopt the stance of "If you got it from my website
its at your own risk...I don't understand that stuff" when a poor user took
advise from your website, ended up in trouble and you responded Its at your
own risk....AND you have still not answered the question about your
"Advanced Database User" claims you made to Microsoft when they gave you the
mvp status...Or should I move on to how well you can use the basic tool
OUTLOOK EXPRESS and compare that to the title MVP.

Have you yet found the Microsoft authorized method of backing up single
files?????Hint, you need to ask a REAL professional. As I have said
before....ALL MVP's should be real experts...they should have taken at least
the basic Microsoft Certification route and sat an additional exam on the
subject they want to be recognised you did not respond earlier it
is clear that you would not want that...I think I know why and anyone
reading this will be able to make a good guess.

Rename the file extension....what a laugh LOLOLOLOLOL

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I have learned from both of your sites... and from viewing messages
here...please if you have a feud do it between each other...

I would assume most of us come here for a positive learning experience, or
to find a solution for a haunting problem.... please... let's all be civil

many thanks

Thanks Ed Sharpe archivist for SMECC

Please check our web site at
to see other engineering fields, communications and computation stuff we
buy, and by all means when in Arizona drop in and see us.


coury house / smecc
5802 w palmaire ave
glendale az 85301
ed sharpe said:
I have learned from both of your sites... and from viewing messages
here...please if you have a feud do it between each other...

I think if you do a search at Google groups, you'll see
how one-sided this "endless crusade" happens to be.
Pretty counterproductive.

Jeffraham Prestonian said:
I think if you do a search at Google groups, you'll see
how one-sided this "endless crusade" happens to be.
Hello Ed & the other one who states he has seen to many flame wars and then
starts one himself LOLOLOL

Ed, the guy you replied to likes to post little cutting remarks....he has
previously stated he does not like flame wars but actively tries to start
them. You are helping him in that endeavour by answering him.....

So you think that correcting errors is Pretty counterproductive. You must
lead a very hazardous life you have any anti virus software on
your machine? or do you allow your machine and the programs it holds to be
imposed upon by someone/thing? No doubt you do not see the connection....

Papajohn is simply put (no pun intended) a FRAUD. To give you some idea....

papajohns website becomes unavailable to a large section of the world. I
find the problem and send him privately the info in the form of a tracert,
I made the mistake of thinking that as he had an MVP status he would have a
good idea of matters "internet" An Internet Router/Hub blocks him while
trying to do a tracert....He fails because of the settings and therefore I
clearly do not know what I am talking about ?!?! By the way, before I
retired I designed and implemented a large Intranet running software I
wrote which connected Police Stations together and enabled detailed
enquiries to be made...I ended up as an advisor to members of the UK
Government and to almost every Police Force in the UK....papajohn knew that
but still tried to make it look as though I did not know what I was talking was then that another MVP contacted me privately...we had a
little laugh

It was at that time that I received my first e-mail from Mr Brown...he was
basically asking me if I wanted to be an reply was that if
papajohns was material for MVP status then I did not think much of the
standard and NO I do not want to be one

I once picked up on a point he made which did not seem right and politely
asked about it...."I POST TO 52 NEWSGROUPS....! this was some sort of an
attempt to prove that he therefore MUST be right. He then sent me an e-mail
stating that we could not BOTH run the newsgroup....I always thought
Microsoft seems he has other ideas and clearly felt that I was not
trying to help him and that I was trying to usurp him. I run software that
fairly quickly scans every newsgroup and from multiple servers
simultaneously...I can tell you that he did not then or now post to 52
newsgroups or any number close to that on any issue using his name

papajohn once left a message in here saying he was unable to reply to my
e-mail (from the time I used to privately try and help him) because it was
Digitally Signed...he made some remark that Outlook Express (the program we
both use) would not let him reply LOLOLOLOLOLOL and he made that remark in
here...So having finally given up trying to help this sap out I publicly
told him how to use Outlook....that wound him up even further...the one
button he had to press in Outlook is always visible...he tried to dismiss
it as an irrelevance. He clearly did not know how to use one of the most
basic tools in Windows.

papajohn ALWAYS posted messages that had an attachment, but by that time he
had already made himself look a fool with regard to Outlook and would not
correct his continued error. Every time he posted a message I pointed out
to everyone that it could carry a potential virus....the idiots that used
to support him tried to convince every one that MIME was a message display
protocol and that papajohns message contained no html code.....Because of
that they also joined the papajohn brigade of idiots...MIME you see is a
method of transporting 8 bit data over a 7bit network...using MIME you can
transfer very complex data...a Zip file or a virus emended in an HTML based
message. Only when I would not back down did a Microsoft person come clean
and told him what to do...again...this person is someone who claims to be a
Professional...what do you think about that so far???? but read on...

papajohn makes rash statements that expose his CV on the Microsoft site as
being a total load of rubbish...either he is suffering from a severe loss
of memory or the info he gave Microsoft is a straight and simple LIE

He makes grandiose statements about how Movie Maker is a NETWORK AWARE
application...I tell you I nearly fell of my seat when I heard his
justification for that remark. I told him quite bluntly that he was wrong
and that there is no function within Movie Maker that has any relationship
with Network Awareness. At that time Microsoft in the form of a Mr Andrew
Brown actively supported him...well of course they do any other
would cast a shadow over all MVP's which would not be fair. Brown brought
forward a statement from an "unnamed technician" that Movie Maker was
"Aware" So we all had a good laugh at Mr Brown who clearly did not know how
stupid he now looked as well as papajohn.

Recently, I have been making comment to people that the program PERFECT
DISK by Raxco is very good and that it not only defragment's the free space
on your hard drive (something the built in defragmenter can not do) it will
also defragment the previously unreachable system files including
pagefile.sys.. Guess what the idiot papajohn did!!! He stated that he had
tried the program Perfect Disk and afterwards made a video and on checking
that video he discovered that it had many THOUSANDS of fragments. Clearly
he had not bothered to set the appropriate options on the ONLY program in
the world that has the TOP MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION for this type of
program...So I say again...the guy is a PRATT

I could go on and on and on with these examples I could mention what a fool
he made himself look when he described how turning down the priority for an
application would help the CPU cool down LOLOL I could mention his bully
boys and the stupid remarks they came out with from behind an alias name. I
could mention the slight when he included on his website an explanation I
gave on how to do certain tasks with regard to a hard drive....he
paraphrased it in here AND GOT IT WRONG...I could also mention how one poor
user took advice from Papajohns website and found himself in a
mess....papajohn's comment was it was at the users own risk as he had no
personal knowledge on the matter at hand...HE SHOWED NO RESPONCIBILITY OF
ANY KIND...He is happy to copy and paste anything that looks good to pad
out his commercial website...pity the poor person who takes any advice from
it....if its wrong papajohn will just dump you the way he has dumped

So, what it all boils down to is that every time you tried to help him he
reacted badly and each time after that he got slightly worse. Then he
changed tactics...he actively did to me what I now do to him. The big
difference is, I can prove everything I say...but papajohn...well as I said
some time back...he likes to lead with his chin and he likes to make others
look bad in his favour even when he is so wrong that it is near
embarrassing to point it out.

It is my view and the view of at least one other MVP, that to be awarded
that title you should have at least passed the basic Microsoft
Certification program and a separate technical exam on the subject you want
to be known as an expert in. I know several MVP's and am pretty sure they
would all be able to gain those qualifications with little or no work
before hand. Only a fool would think that of this particular MVP whose
recent endeavours include charging US $20 a year to receive an e-mail from
him and $50 to break apart a Movie Maker project into more manageable
pieces so that the user can continue his work...No No He gives out bad
information on his website (He claims that he does not put anything on his
website until he can prove its good advice by the way...see my earlier
comments on Responsibility) and he makes totally stupid remarks in here
"Network Aware", "Tracerts", "Digitally Signed Emails", "PerfectDisk",
"Programs Priority", "52 Newsgroups", "Tune Up", "USB Hard Drives" etc etc

You think that my remarks are counter productive. All I can say then is
that you must have a very odd idea about what IS productive. Very
disappointing...especially as you seem to have made that remark after doing
a search of this newsgroup. Over the last year or so EVERY remark from me
about him has been to point out that his statements are wrong and then to
demonstrate why they are wrong...more recently I simply tell people he is
wrong and quite a few send me emails and I help them out privately. Very
recently I have had to put a stop to that...I have been getting more e-mail
about Movie Maker in one day than this newsgroup gets on occasion and I
have been completely swamped...I know a lot of people were upset by that
but there is only so much that can be done.

My intent is to correct his remarks so that the user does not get the kind
of deal others have. I will do this no matter how many idiots try to turn
it into a flame war or defend him. I now only post messages like this when
people such as yourself express some sort of sympathy for papajohn. I do
this so that you get a more complete picture of what has happened and why I
correct him now..AND why he does not deserve the qualification MVP

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work