PapaJohn please - where is the problem?

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Hi, I am still not able to achieve reasonable results when capturing from
Sony HC-32 (freames dropped frequently, just noise instead of sound in DV-AVI
setting). What I have done already: checked my camera and firewire on another
PC, and the quality was perfect, so there is nothing wrong with the camera or
firewire . . . all other programmes closed down with Enditall when capturing
.. . . HD defragmented . . . spyware killed . . . power schemes set to
'always on' . . . there is enough free space on HD . . . service pack 2
re-installed . . . Direct X 9.0 installed . . . and there is still no
improvement! The problem is not just with Movie Maker, but with other editing
programmes as well - Sony's own editing software, Adobe, Unlead Video Studio.
In fact, there is no quality difference between them. My machine is 2.6GHz
and 512 RAM. Following all this, is the problem likely to be with the
hardware (firewire card?) or software - is there anything else left I can
set, reset, install, re-install, or kill (apart from myself)? The stubborness
of the whole thing drives me slowly mad. Many thanks for your patience and
Check the Hard Drive section of my Setup > Hardware page... your hard drive
is critical to the transfer. Basic hard drive speed, DMA enabled, free
space, defragged, etc....

Beyond that the capture card itself is suspect.... as you've checked the
cable and camcorder...

The larger buffer used by WinDV helps too... the link is on my Setup > Other
Software page.

It's apt to be hardware related...

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -
Many thanks, I will try it. I have just read this in Help and Support,
Article ID 885222: "After you update your computer to Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack 2 (SP2), the performance of your 1394a or 1394b FireWire devices
may be greatly decreased. A digital camera that uses S400 speed is an example
of such a device."
Is it relevant to my problem?
:((( It did not help. So I unistalled the whole Service Pack 2 and downloaded
just MM2 - again, no improvement. But MM1 in Service Pack 1 seemed to work
fine, but I doubt it was DV-AVI quality, which I want.