There are effectively three systems, NTSC (Never The Same Colour) in
America, SECAM (System Essentially Contrary to the American Method) in
various parts of the world and PAL (Perfect At Last) on my side of the pond
If you tell us the media your PAL video is on, how you intend on getting it
into your AIW, the system your AIW works on, and what output device you
intend to connect your AIW to, one of us may be able to come up with a
solution. It would also be useful to know what connectors (S-Video,
Composite, SCART etc) your input (video recorder, camcorder etc) and output
(video recorder, TV etc) devices have.
An example:
I have a PAL Video recorder with an S-Video connector I wish to connect to
my PAL AIW card. I would like to get the PAL signal onto an NTSC tape using
an NTSC video recorder which has an input SCART socket, and RCA socket.
It would also be useful to know if you want sound, too - that should be far
less problematic than the video though.
Or you could just buy one of these:
But the quality probably isn't that great.