Painting the inside of a case

Jun 23, 2005
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I've got a case I'm about to fill with bits but I'd quite like to paint the boring grey bits of it black first. I can't find anything on the internat about doing this, but I'm guessing I need some kind of primer. So I suppose the questions I have are:

Do I need a primer? How many coats of primer and paint am I likely to need (vaguely)?

Are there are risky areas to painting a case? It will be black so I guess if anything that should draw heat away from components rather than increase their heat.

Help much appreciated, as always. I promise I'll post some pictures in a couple of weeks when it's all done. :)
After removing all the componenets and innards i think it would probably be best to spray the inside of the case as opposed to painting it....we don't get many requests for the inside of a case so black being the colour that absorbs heat, i would of thought it would be better spraying the inside a lighter colour rather than a darker colour.....So as heat can be deflected out.....

One coat of primer should do it, then two coats of whatever colour you pick..

Can't give you any more help than that though.....;)
I second that.... Dark colors in the winter keep you warm, Light colors in the summer help cool you. But if black is prefered don't let us stop you, I doubt it will make that big of a difference.

As far as special paint..... I'd recomend any spray paint for an auto store. Any paint made for cars will be perfect for you, the paints are specially formulated to bond to metal/primer and can easily handle the enviornment of your pc.

After reading through this, I think I may even paint my case next time I do an upgrade. But I'm gonna go chrome or white. Make my lights reflect more.
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if you use a car paint you'll need to make sure you degrease the surface in between coats, or dont touch it
Thanks guys - I'm making a trip to B&Q / Homebase this evening so I'll see what I can find. :) I'm wondering now about metallic grey or something... will have to see what they've got.
just out of though
would spray painting negate the heat disspersion of aluminum considering there is now a barrier?
I don't know - I've just applied the primer and the first coat so I'll let you know soon! :) Everything's drying incredibly fast tonight so I've managed a coat of primer and the first coat of paint. Second coat to go on tomorrow after work.

P.S. My case is cheap and steel so this probably isn't too much of an issue anyway (assuming aluminium is a better conductor than steel which I think is right!)
The supposed thermal properties of Aluminium cases are minimal, I certainly wouldnt pay more for that "feature" Steel doesnt vibrate as much coz the panels tend to be thicker. Aluminium is lighter, which aids transport.
Looking forward to the results haydnw. I have a new project I'm about to start, and painting the inside might just be the extra touch i've been looking for. :)