I've got a case I'm about to fill with bits but I'd quite like to paint the boring grey bits of it black first. I can't find anything on the internat about doing this, but I'm guessing I need some kind of primer. So I suppose the questions I have are:
Do I need a primer? How many coats of primer and paint am I likely to need (vaguely)?
Are there are risky areas to painting a case? It will be black so I guess if anything that should draw heat away from components rather than increase their heat.
Help much appreciated, as always. I promise I'll post some pictures in a couple of weeks when it's all done.
Do I need a primer? How many coats of primer and paint am I likely to need (vaguely)?
Are there are risky areas to painting a case? It will be black so I guess if anything that should draw heat away from components rather than increase their heat.
Help much appreciated, as always. I promise I'll post some pictures in a couple of weeks when it's all done.