When I load a scanned image from HP Scanjet into MS Paint
even using 75 dpi the image in the Paint window is too
large and on trying to print it out the printer prints 4
separate pages each containing a quarter of the image
Scanning at 72-96 dpi is adequate if the target output for the image is a
computer monitor. Scanning to print on pager, use at least 150 for ok
quality. Use at least 300 dpi for better quality.
After scanning an image, open it in graphics program. Edit as desired.
Resize to fit on a piece of paper if necessary. Use Print> Preview to
double check that the image will fit on a single sheet of paper.
Paint is not very good at resizing. Use a different program for this. If
you did not get a graphics program with your scanner or don't like the one
that came with it, you can choose one of many graphics programs to use
instead. A nice freebie that does excellent resizing is called IrfanView
and can be obtained here: