


I am using Word 2007. I am unable to number pages. Under the Insert tab, I
select Page Numberand click on the position I want. I get a grayed-out "Save
Selection as Page Number (position selected), then nothing. Can anyone tell
me what I am doing wrong?


What you should be seeing are so-called building blocks from the page number
category. The source file, BuildingBlocks.dotx may be corrupt. Try the
following so that Word can rebuild a new file (it will, however, wipe out any
custom building blocks you may have created):

Close all Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

Open C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Document
Building Blocks\1033; this is where your version of the BuildingBlocks.dotx
is saved in XP; in Vista it is saved in: C:\Users\User
Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\

Delete BuildingBlocks.dotx

Open Word and the close it; Word will create a clean file

Take a few deep breaths and then open Word again

Try adding a page number


Worked beautifully! Thank you!

Aeneas said:
What you should be seeing are so-called building blocks from the page number
category. The source file, BuildingBlocks.dotx may be corrupt. Try the
following so that Word can rebuild a new file (it will, however, wipe out any
custom building blocks you may have created):

Close all Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

Open C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft\Document
Building Blocks\1033; this is where your version of the BuildingBlocks.dotx
is saved in XP; in Vista it is saved in: C:\Users\User
Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\

Delete BuildingBlocks.dotx

Open Word and the close it; Word will create a clean file

Take a few deep breaths and then open Word again

Try adding a page number

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