Wyatt Bryan
Any program I go into words are missing or half of the
word is not there.For an Example the send and cancel
buttons at the bottom of this page.I guess they are
buttons,but I'm not sure.The outline or box will be
there but no word,it's blank.You can click the button
and it will perform like its suppose to.It's in all
programs whether I'm online or not,but we have DSL so
we always have a connection.This computer is for our
word is not there.For an Example the send and cancel
buttons at the bottom of this page.I guess they are
buttons,but I'm not sure.The outline or box will be
there but no word,it's blank.You can click the button
and it will perform like its suppose to.It's in all
programs whether I'm online or not,but we have DSL so
we always have a connection.This computer is for our