Pages Only showing on 1/2 the explorer window

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rebecca
  • Start date Start date


Can someone help me. When I open sites (CNN, ect) they
show up but they are only on 1/2 the browser pane.
Instead of covering the whole space. Nothing is cut off
the site, but it makes it very hard on the eyes. I have
windows xp explorer 6.

thank you
Hi Rebecca :-)
Can someone help me. When I open sites (CNN, ect) they
show up but they are only on 1/2 the browser pane.
Instead of covering the whole space. Nothing is cut off
the site, but it makes it very hard on the eyes. I have
windows xp explorer 6.
Try the following and see it it helps:

Window display too small
and possibly


Webpage view too small - won't fill screen

Many pages are hard coded for an 800 pixel wide display and won't display
any wider. Have you tried View | Text Size?

See and possibly

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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