Hi, I'm having a go at using Access (web) Pages v2002.
On a standard form I have a Publication with a subform for
one or more Authors and another subform for one or more
Keywords (hopefully, I shall be able to figure out using
Access (web) Pages how to search for Publications using
these keywords as crterion - my next challenge!).
I want to reproduce the above on an Access (web) Page.
However there is no subform control. So I thought that I
could use a listbox instead combined with 'Add'
and 'Remove' buttons (another little challenge!).
To use a listbox I need to limit the list to only items
for related records. That is, where the id of a
PublicationKeyword matches the current PublicationID. No
problem, except referencing! So I thought to assign the
listrowsource in the Form_OnCurrent() event.
The problem, that I am hoping that you can help me with,
is that I cannot seem to regonise a VBScript equivalent to
the Form_OnCurrent() event.
Any ideas or suggestions to resolve one or more of the
above are greatly appreciated
On a standard form I have a Publication with a subform for
one or more Authors and another subform for one or more
Keywords (hopefully, I shall be able to figure out using
Access (web) Pages how to search for Publications using
these keywords as crterion - my next challenge!).
I want to reproduce the above on an Access (web) Page.
However there is no subform control. So I thought that I
could use a listbox instead combined with 'Add'
and 'Remove' buttons (another little challenge!).
To use a listbox I need to limit the list to only items
for related records. That is, where the id of a
PublicationKeyword matches the current PublicationID. No
problem, except referencing! So I thought to assign the
listrowsource in the Form_OnCurrent() event.
The problem, that I am hoping that you can help me with,
is that I cannot seem to regonise a VBScript equivalent to
the Form_OnCurrent() event.
Any ideas or suggestions to resolve one or more of the
above are greatly appreciated
