Page Will Not Display



I have a website that suddenly will not display on the first attempt. I
click on to favorites and then to the site and I get a message "Page cannot
be Displayed". If I hit Back, it will go to the login screen ( which is what
should come up) and I can proceed. This started happening about two weeks
ago and has never come up without going "back" since then. Why do I always
get an error message on the first try??????


Lisa said:
I have a website that suddenly will not display on the first attempt.
I click on to favorites and then to the site and I get a message "Page
cannot be Displayed". If I hit Back, it will go to the login screen (
which is what should come up) and I can proceed. This started
happening about two weeks ago and has never come up without going
"back" since then. Why do I always get an error message on the first

Possibly you have a hijacker. Since you haven't told us what the url is
for the site, no one can check it for you. Run through the normal
troubleshooting steps:

1) Scan in Safe Mode with current version (not earlier than 2003)
antivirus using updated definitions.

2) Remove spyware with Spybot Search & Destroy and Ad-aware. These
programs are free, so use them both since they complement each other.
There is a new version of CWShredder from Intermute. I would not
install the other Intermute programs, however. Alternately, there are
CoolWebSearch malware removal steps at SilentRunners.

Be sure to update these programs before running, and it is a good idea
to do virus/spyware scans in Safe Mode. Make sure you are able to see
all hidden files and extensions (View tab in Folder Options).

HijackThis is an excellent tool to discover and disable hijackers, but
it requires expert skill. See below for HijackThis links. A combination
of HijackThis and About:Buster works well in removing the About:Blank
homepage hijacker. Again, this is an expert tool and novices should get
help with it.

3) If you are running Windows ME or XP, you should disable/enable System
Restore because malware will be in the Restore Points. With ME, you
must disable System Restore completely. With XP, you can delete all but
the most recent (presumably clean) System Restore point from the More
Options section of Disk Cleanup (Run>cleanmgr).

4) Make sure you've visited Windows Update and applied all security
patches. Do not install driver updates from Windows Update.

5) Run a firewall.

Links to help with malware:

Software/Methods: - Spybot Search & Destroy - Ad-aware - good download site - SilentRunners

HijackThis: - HijackThis tutorial by Jim
Eshelman - Spyware Warrior HijackThis

General: - look under "Security" for various forums - The Parasite Fight



Do not scare LISA; MALK, If I were you Lisa, I would go to another computer
and try to see if your webpage trying to look works, if so, I would figure
out that it is problem with my computer. Before runnign safe mode, virus
scan, all that try that simple thing, also just go to Internet Options in the
control pannel>> Go to Programs>> Reset Web Settings <<Click on that.
Try simple things first before doing hard things!!!



Do not scare LISA; MALK, If I were you Lisa, I would go to another
computer and try to see if your webpage trying to look works, if so, I
would figure out that it is problem with my computer. Before runnign
safe mode, virus scan, all that try that simple thing, also just go to
Internet Options in the
control pannel>> Go to Programs>> Reset Web Settings <<Click on that.
Try simple things first before doing hard things!!!


Telling a Windows user to check for malware is not "scaring people"; it
is good sense. Lisa's description of her problem sounds like she could
be experiencing a phishing scam. Since she did not tell us what the
site was so others could check it for her, I suggested she make sure
her computer is clean. That is "working smarter" and being sure one is
protected. Putting the web settings back to default will do nothing
useful if her computer is infected - as so many home users' machines



Thank you Malk and Chamila. Malk, I run Ad-aware, Spybot and CWShredder
daily. I use HijackThis to isolate trojans and viruses but all are free of
parasites at the moment. I also run defrag and disk clean up and delete temp
files weekly. I use SP2 so I have a firewall and there are no Windows
updates pending. Hidden files and extensions are set to view. The page that
will not display is the logon for Ameritrade. The home page will display but
I have it set to display the logon page. It always did until very recently.
This is happening on my dad's PC. He has always been able to go directly to
the sign in but now, as I said, he has to do a reset and it comes up but I
wonder why he has to make this extra step. Chamila, I tried setting up an
account on my PC since I don't have his acct. # but I keep getting error
messages so I don't know if it would display. I haven't tried your
suggestions on reseting web settings. Will that cause problems with any
other settings????? Thanks to you both!


Lisa said:
Thank you Malk and Chamila. Malk, I run Ad-aware, Spybot and
CWShredder daily. I use HijackThis to isolate trojans and viruses but
all are free of parasites at the moment. I also run defrag and disk
clean up and delete temp
files weekly. I use SP2 so I have a firewall and there are no Windows
updates pending. Hidden files and extensions are set to view. The page
that will not display is the logon for Ameritrade. The home page will
display but I have it set to display the logon page. It always did
until very recently. This is happening on my dad's PC. He has always
been able to go directly to the sign in but now, as I said, he has to
do a reset and it comes up but I
wonder why he has to make this extra step. Chamila, I tried setting
up an
account on my PC since I don't have his acct. # but I keep getting
error messages so I don't know if it would display. I haven't tried
your suggestions on reseting web settings. Will that cause problems
with any other settings????? Thanks to you both!
This is why it would have been good to have full information about your
situation in the first post. Try going directly to the website without
using the favorite.

Add that site to your father's Trusted Sites in Internet Options.
Perhaps you or your father changed a setting regarding secure sites, or
the following information about secure sites and SP2 is applicable:

How to troubleshoot problems accessing secure Web pages with Internet
Explorer 6 Service Pack 2;en-us;870700



Thanks for the response Malke. I did add the site to his trusted sites and
it didn't help so I just changed his favorite site to the homepage and he
can access the login from there. Also, thanks for the link SP2 problems.


Lisa said:
Thanks for the response Malke. I did add the site to his trusted sites
and it didn't help so I just changed his favorite site to the homepage
and he can access the login from there. Also, thanks for the link SP2
Well, I'm sorry I didn't have the exact answer for you but I'm glad a
workaround does the trick. Thanks for letting me know.



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