Page Width of Report (CR.NET)


Don Wash

Hi There!

I'm using CrystalReportsViewer control in my ASP.NET page to display the

How do I increase the page width of Crystal Reports .NET report?

Many Thanks,

Don Wash

There's no Width property for Report page and the Width property of the
CONTROL on ASPX page is fixed (i.e. can't change).

Any ideas?


Tampa .NET Koder said:
From what I know thats a property the you set for the control during desgn
time. Select the control in VS.NET and look in the Properties window to
change the width


There is no way to do that. Because each time crystal reports is taking the
default page size from the default printer installed. I had the same problem
earlier. what i did is I just designed a report with NoPrinter Option, then I
set a default paper for my default printer. The same issue has been posted at
Crystal Reports Knowledge base. pls have a look

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