Page transitions not transitioning!



I am attempting to apply page transitions, which seem pretty
straightforward. However, they don't seem to be happening. Are there
any tricks to this?


Only viewable in IE...
Hope This Helps

IEEE Degree
MS A+ Certified
StarBand Satellite Internet
FCC Certified Installer
FCC 3rd Class Lic.
Playing with FrontPage 2003 ;-)
My Playground:
|I am attempting to apply page transitions, which seem pretty
| straightforward. However, they don't seem to be happening. Are there
| any tricks to this?

Stefan B Rusynko

And if enabled in IE under Tools Internet Options Advanced


| Only viewable in IE...
| --
| Hope This Helps
| Don
| =====================
| IEEE Degree
| MS A+ Certified
| StarBand Satellite Internet
| FCC Certified Installer
| FCC 3rd Class Lic.
| Playing with FrontPage 2003 ;-)
| My Playground:
| =====================
| | |I am attempting to apply page transitions, which seem pretty
| | straightforward. However, they don't seem to be happening. Are there
| | any tricks to this?

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