Page space on left and top margin (Frontpage 2003)




My friend's website is

You will notice a space on the left and top margin. I tried to set all my
margins to zero. But it does not work. How can I have colored layer to go
all the way to the left and the top?

I use frontpage 2003.

I appreciate your help.

Erik Diamond

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

it's all laid out in divs and layers. the div at the top is like 1025 wide,
which will cause scrolling for people in a great number of screen

it looks like you'll have to add the 0 margin to the body tag.

you may want to look at the possibility of using an external style sheet and
or using tables for your layout, since I'm seeing one of your layers
containing text covered up by the logo.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


Page margins will only affect the placement of elements that are
NON-positioned. In other words a page margin will not affect a "layer" for


Thank you guys.

But can you give me step by step instruction in frontpage 2003 to fix it?
Put zero in body tag?

What is other option?

Erik Diamond


Link to an external stylesheet, or embed a stylesheet in your code (between
<head> and </head>) with the following style in it (embedded shown for
cut-n-paste convenience) (assuming you want zero margins) -

<style type="text/css">
body { margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0;
padding:0; }

you could also try

body { margin : 0; padding:0; }

as a shorthand method.

This will take care of the margins in IE4+ and NN6. To take care of NN4x,
you will need to edit the Page Properties... and set the two margin fields
(marginwidth and marginheight) to 0.

Since you are still using inline margin specs in the body tag, this method
won't validate. To get completely valid code that works for all
browsers, change your stylesheet as shown below -

body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0 -10px 0 -10px;
/*/*/margin: 0 0 0 0; /* */

Tom J

As you have already been told, smaller resolutions will have to scroll to
see your site & that's over 40% of your potential viewers. The site also
did not completely load using Windows XP & Outlook Express on my computer.

Tom J

Tom J

Make that using Mozilla!
Tom J

Tom J said:
As you have already been told, smaller resolutions will have to scroll to
see your site & that's over 40% of your potential viewers. The site also
did not completely load using Windows XP & Outlook Express on my computer.

Tom J

Andrew Murray has a "delete margins" tool.

However the synatx in code is

<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

the above is for IE (the leftmargin/topmargin) and Netscape/Other

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