Page shifting?

Jan 4, 2003
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Not sure if its my browser or site, however pages on refresh after posting or entering subsections seem to be shifting left and right for no apparent reason.

Getting quite wide borders on both sides of page. Not happening on any other sites though. Any ideas?

Ian will have a look ... but it seems to be OK for now. :thumb:

Now that's funny because when I was in the land of the employed, my office computer did exactly the same as TriplexDrea describes. It never does it at home though. Funny that........


Gabriella x
It should be sorted now I think, it's because FireFox, IE6 and IE7 all display things in their own way - so I've tried to come up with a way to render it properly in all browsers. I've put the layout back to the way it was 24h ago - and I'll keep having a tinker with a file saved on my PC ;)
Yeah that's the problem with all these browsers, they interpret style sheets differently, it's silly.

One day they might actually stick to a global standard where designers can make it for one browser and it looks the same in all of them.