Page output caching for database driven pages?



What are best practices for page output caching on pages that are dynamically
generated from database tables.

Our site has left-hand navigation that is comprised of dynamically generated
menus of product categories. The categories are taken from several database
tables which rarely change.

This left-hand navigation is included on every single page in the site and
as such is wrapped up in a user-control. However, when I enabled caching on
the user-control, all DHTML and events cease to work properly.

Really confused!


However, when I tried applying


if the menus are built from data that comes from the database in the form of
a DataSet or DataTable, the most appropriate caching method would be to cache
that DataTable or DataSet and have the control look to the Cache first for it.
You don't need to specifically enable output caching on the control itself.

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