page numbers for section

  • Thread starter Thread starter DianaH
  • Start date Start date


I have a document with a few sections, I have added page numbering to. In
one section there are pages with different orientation, so I've had to add
more sections for that. Unfortunately, after doing that, the pagination is
horribley messed up. It's reporting the total number of pages differently
for each subsection, yet the page number (x of y) is just fine.

How can I work around this?
Hi Suzanne

the link i got was from the search function at the word mvps site ... and
i've tested it on two separate machines now and it just goes mad -
continually tries to load the page - ... does it work for you?

Hi JulieD

It goes mad for me, too, but I think that is some sort of internal link that
the site uses but isn't supposed to be the final page link. The two
Suzanne gave work fine.

I think there are some glitches in the search engine, though usually it gets
me to the right place.
