I'm running Word 2003 SP2.
I use page setup to check that page one of my document gets a
different footer than the other sections. I insert the traditional
page number into a footer (using numbering, not a text box) and want a
"1" to print on page two and so one.
I use the format numbering button on the footer bar, select "start
with 1" and click ok. The document snaps to the footer on page one
(blank). When I scroll back to page 2, the numbering remains
unchanged at "2". Nothing I try can make that number into a 1. I can
increase the number, though.
Same thing happens if I insert a continuous section break somewhere on
page one. I can't make a "1" appear on page 2.
I use page setup to check that page one of my document gets a
different footer than the other sections. I insert the traditional
page number into a footer (using numbering, not a text box) and want a
"1" to print on page two and so one.
I use the format numbering button on the footer bar, select "start
with 1" and click ok. The document snaps to the footer on page one
(blank). When I scroll back to page 2, the numbering remains
unchanged at "2". Nothing I try can make that number into a 1. I can
increase the number, though.
Same thing happens if I insert a continuous section break somewhere on
page one. I can't make a "1" appear on page 2.