Page Not Displayed with Certificates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Psibur
  • Start date Start date


A user is trying to get to a site that requires a certificate. When
she goes there, it immediately goes gives her the Page Cannot Be
Displayed page. It does not even ask for a certificate before it gives
the error msg.

I tried the site under a different local account and works fine. I
also tried the site under a backup browser on the same machine under
her and another account and works fine. I even tried to reset all the
settings I could find in Internet Options back to the defaults and
tried turning all the settings as low as possible or off (accept all
cookies, no encryption, etc.) As a last resort, I ran a couple
different anti-spyware and anti-virus apps (came back clean) and
retried all of the above, but with no success.

Could there be anything else that would cause this to happen? Any
possible registry settings to check? Due to some time restraints, I
didn't try removing and reinstalling IE but I'll not rule out that

Much thanks in advance.
As a follow-up to the previous post, I scanned through some good help
files online from MS, but it still does not remedy the situation:

[+] Cleared SSL state.
[+] Registered the following .dll's:
[+] Ran System File Checker (sfc /scannow)

Any directions to go to from here other than attempting removal and
reinstallation of IE and/or her local user account?
A user is trying to get to a site that requires a certificate.

I tried the site under a different local account and works fine.

Try the /Create a new user profile/ procedure described here:

<title>KB813444 - How to troubleshoot situations where you cannot
complete MSN sign-up or connect to SSL secured (128-Bit) Web sites by
using Internet Explorer in Windows XP</title>

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
The problem is resolved. I created a temp account, moved everything
over to her new account, deleted old, and restored to her original user
name and all works fine now.

Even though this 'fixed it', I would really like to know what could
have caused that behaviour. Were certain files corrupt? Were there
config files that could have been altered that completely blocked any
communication to that site?
Hi, I am using Win 98SE, and IE6. The same problem. When I attempt to
connect to a secure website I get the DNS Error, Unable to Locate Server, can
you tell me how to resolve this problem? Thanks for your help