Page Loading Anomaly



I've been using IE for quite a while, and this is a new

My home page is From that location, I tried to
visit another page: The little
loading bar appeared at the bottom of the page, as usual;
but, after two or three of the green segments appeared,
the loading bar disappeared. No error message, nothing.

This has happened repeatedly when trying to load this
particular page. I then tried to access this page from
Google after finding it in a search. This time, although
the loading bar did not disappear, it eventually stalled.

I would think that this was a problem with this
particular webpage -- except that this recently happened
with another page. Like yesterday. No error message, no
nothing. Just quits and says "Done" (with no result), or

Does anyone have a clue what the problem might be? Other
than a bug or a virus?


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