Page layout problems....

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I have a dynamic web template set up.... I changed the image in the header
last night and now when pulished the images and words online are all smooshed
into the menu bar and even over top of it.

CAN SOMEONE HELP ME??? I don't have time to re-do this site. And it is
only the product pages and feedback page.

Sorry...I accidently posted this twice. Silly error on my part...been in
front of this computer too long. Please see the post above.....

The replies there are saying the same how can it be that on my
three different business machines, in another building across town, and in FP
preview that it all shows that the layout is completely messed up??????
I see no problems on the Products page.
There is a problem on the Feedback page. I see the menu on the feedback
page overlaying the text.

There are code errors that may (or may not) be affecting this

<table border="0" width="750" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="495">
<td height="130" width="794" colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/header.gif" width="731" height="143"></td>

The table cell is at least 44px wider than the table - the table will
stretch to accommodate this.

<td height="308" width="200" align="left" valign="top">
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2">
<td width="555" valign="top"><!-- #BeginEditable "Body" -->

The total width of that row is 755px plus cellpadding and cellspacing.
This is more than the 750px set in the <table... tag, and less than the
794px the previous row stretches the table to.
Is the first cell above (200px) wide enough for the menu?

<td height="49" width="185" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFB9">
This cell will actually be 200px wide, set by the preceding cell in the
same column.
Well I figured it out. I don't know how exactly but I did. I'm still not
sure why it was only effecting some of the pages and not all but it is
working now. Maybe some day I will understand but for now I am back on track
with getting this site done.
