Every time windows xp start I get a message on the lines 'Page file is too
small or it does not exist. Go into control panel, system and set values for
the page file'. I have gone and set the page file limits (900-1300 MB, disk
has 12 GB free), but the page file is never created in the root folder and I
get the same message the next time win xp starts.
What is wrong here and what should I do to fix it?
Every time windows xp start I get a message on the lines 'Page file is too
small or it does not exist. Go into control panel, system and set values for
the page file'. I have gone and set the page file limits (900-1300 MB, disk
has 12 GB free), but the page file is never created in the root folder and I
get the same message the next time win xp starts.
What is wrong here and what should I do to fix it?