Page File reported size not matching

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


Win2K paging file size is set to 1024MB, but the system
summary shows the page file space to be 4.0GB. Even is
set to 2MB, the reported space is 2.4GB. Why does the
system summary and Task Manager report the page file to be
so much bigger?
Mike said:
Win2K paging file size is set to 1024MB, but the system
summary shows the page file space to be 4.0GB. Even is
set to 2MB, the reported space is 2.4GB. Why does the
system summary and Task Manager report the page file to be
so much bigger?

Are you talking about winmsd? If so, for some reason, it reports the
pagefile size as the amount of physical RAM plus the total pagefile
sizes that you have set.
