Page Fault while installing Windows Vista



While installing Windows Vista, when system restarts and then setup begins, a
Page Fault occurs. What could be the possible reason?

Halldor Hrafn Jonsson

Hello and sorry for the late reply.

A Page Fault is most often caused because of a Hardware problem or an

You should try the following things:

1. Change the memory (f.a.e. if you have two memory sticks, try it with just
one of them)
2. Find an update for your motherboards BIOS
3. Try another hard disk (also a good common practice for installing a new
operating system is to have only the hard disk that the operating system
will be installed on connected, connect the other hard disk/s after the
install is done.

Best regards,
Halldor Hrafn Jonsson
MCP 2811033

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