OK, with a lot of help from this forum (for which many thanks), I've saved my
PPT pres as web pages and uploaded them to my website and it all works fine,
including the custom animations. I've even got it to go directly to a "show"
without losing my animations thanks to this page -
www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00428.htm. As an aside to any other beginners with
webservers like me, note that it matters that the FAQ in that url is in
capital letters. I think this is a Linux feature - ie abc is not the same as
ABC is not the same as Abc.
Anyway, the only thing that is really wrong with my web presentation is that
when the user clicks to go to the next slide, there is a white flash,
presumably due to the time taken to download the next slide from the web.
Then the next slide arrives fine, complete with transition.
Can I stop the white flash between the two slides? It's pretty unpleasant
for the user. I guess you will tell me to convert the presentation to flash,
but I would prefer not to in the short run.
PPT pres as web pages and uploaded them to my website and it all works fine,
including the custom animations. I've even got it to go directly to a "show"
without losing my animations thanks to this page -
www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00428.htm. As an aside to any other beginners with
webservers like me, note that it matters that the FAQ in that url is in
capital letters. I think this is a Linux feature - ie abc is not the same as
ABC is not the same as Abc.
Anyway, the only thing that is really wrong with my web presentation is that
when the user clicks to go to the next slide, there is a white flash,
presumably due to the time taken to download the next slide from the web.
Then the next slide arrives fine, complete with transition.
Can I stop the white flash between the two slides? It's pretty unpleasant
for the user. I guess you will tell me to convert the presentation to flash,
but I would prefer not to in the short run.