Page cannot be displayed



My daughter is having a problem with Internet Explorer. She has Windows 98
SE. She can't get on any web sites. She get a message that the page can not
be displayed. She ran a virusus scan and scanned her computer with AdAware
and Spybot and did the Fix Internet Explorer. She is on the internet because
she can send Email. Any help would be appriciated.
Thanks Larry


Try updating Windows via Windows Update by Start -> Windows Update.

You should also tell your daughter about dangerous webmail. Do not open
attachments or follow the links in any suspicious emails (mostly from
Do not click OK on any popup that tells her to install a specific program,
if she thinks the file is not safe, etc.

If possible, she should upgrade her computer to Windows XP to enjoy more

A clean installation is the best way as she only uses the computer to send
emails. I guess it's not a big deal to start it all over. Make sure she backs
up all important files that she wants to keep.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

L M said:
My daughter is having a problem with Internet Explorer. She has Windows
SE. She can't get on any web sites. She get a message that the page can
be displayed. She ran a virusus scan and scanned her computer with AdAware
and Spybot and did the Fix Internet Explorer. She is on the internet
she can send Email. Any help would be appriciated.
Thanks Larry

Go to:
Download "Hijack This!" [freeware]

Unzip, double-click "HijackThis.exe" and Press "Scan".

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log"
Click: "Save Log" (generates: "hijackthis.log")

Next, go to the below location:

Sign in, go to the "Malware Removal" section.
Press "New Topic" and post a description of your symptoms. If they need to
see your log they will ask for it.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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