Page Cannot Be displayed....



I am having problems...I get the "Page Cannot Be
Displayed" dialog on certain websites I go to. Its not
every website..Just certain ones. I have Windows XP home
edition with Internet Explorer 6. It is not my internet
connection or server problems on the websites end. I have
another computer in the house with Windows 98 and
Internet Explorer 5 and can go to the website just fine.
This is using the same internet connection as well. I
have called Earthlink who is my ISP and they checked all
my settings in Internet Explorer and everything is set up
correctly. I also cleared cookies and cache. Nothing
seems to work. Also when I go to certain pages it will
redirect me to another website first and then I will get
the "Page cannot be displayed" dialog. Sometimes websites
will partially load and I will get areas on the page that
says "Action Cancelled". I can read some of the website
but not all. It usually happens with pictures...where the
picture is supposed to be will say action cancelled but I
can still read the writing....HELP!!!!!!!!!!


I posted this message cause I thought my first one did
not make it. I found that it did and the answer was very


I am having problems...I get the "Page Cannot Be
Displayed" dialog on certain websites I go to. Its not
every website..Just certain ones. I have Windows XP home
edition with Internet Explorer 6. It is not my internet
connection or server problems on the websites end. I have
another computer in the house with Windows 98 and
Internet Explorer 5 and can go to the website just fine.
This is using the same internet connection as well. I
have called Earthlink who is my ISP and they checked all
my settings in Internet Explorer and everything is set up
correctly. I also cleared cookies and cache. Nothing
seems to work. Also when I go to certain pages it will
redirect me to another website first and then I will get
the "Page cannot be displayed" dialog. Sometimes websites
will partially load and I will get areas on the page that
says "Action Cancelled". I can read some of the website
but not all. It usually happens with pictures...where the
picture is supposed to be will say action cancelled but I
can still read the writing....HELP!!!!!!!!!!



"Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game
because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_

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