Page cannot be displayed

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Several months ago some of the websites that I try to go to come up with the
error - page cannot be display. I was able to get to them before. What can
I do to view these websites.
osubuckeyes said:
Several months ago some of the websites that I try to go to come up
with the error - page cannot be display. I was able to get to them
before. What can I do to view these websites.

Check for a file named HOSTS with no extension (not Hosts.sam). It may be a
hidden file. Open it with Notepad and remove any line referencing the site.
Or, rename HOSTS to OLDHOSTS

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
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Protect your PC
osubuckeyes said:
Several months ago some of the websites that I try to go to come up with the
error - page cannot be display. I was able to get to them before. What can
I do to view these websites.

Can you provide an example URL that you are trying to use
to aid further discussion?

In a Cmd window, enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear your TIF also, and re-boot.
One of the websites is
- I did the flushdns but it didn't work either

Try nslookup for that name (from a cmd window).

FWIW when I tried it the first request timed out.
If your DNS has a similar but worse problem with it
that might explain your symptom.

DNS request timed out.
timeout was 2 seconds.
Non-authoritative answer:

So before using the server name I tried using the server address instead:

and then checked with Privacy Report how that was used.
Apparently all content was retrieved from that address
except for one item from


which wants IE to use https instead of http protocol


FiddlerTool shows that the first thing I got was a 302 redirect
with a Cookie so it may be an idea to delete any current
Cookies you have with that site. You could also turn prompting
on for Cookies (e.g. using the Privacy Report's, Settings...
Advanced Privacy Settings dialog) to see if you are at least
getting that far.

If you prefer you could also connect through FiddlerTool
(for example) and see exactly how your initial request is being handled.
If you want to try that it might be necessary to make sure
that you are allowing HTTP 1.1 protocol on both non-proxy
and proxy sessions (option in Advanced tab, under Browsing section;
collapse the Browsing section to see it easily.)

If you need more help please report your detailed observations
e.g., from watching for changes in your Status bar, Title bar,
Address bar, and window contents. Maximize your window
to make sure you can see as much as possible of the information
in the Status bar.

Good luck
