"Page Cannot Be Displayed" is being reported by IE XP user


Hector Santos

We have a customer using our web server with IE 6 on XP.

He is getting this "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error even though the web
server is sending the response back to the browser. Support told him to
enable the socket logs so we can see that indeed the HTTP request is
received and the server response is sent.

The Odd thing is that it is REPEATABLE depending on the size of the

The following is a customer server side script for our Wildcat Web Server
used to repeat the problem:

#include "util.wch"
#include "windows.wch"
#include "htmlutil.wch"

dim sArgs as string
dim testtext as string


sArgs = GetPostVars(paramstr(1))
testtext = GetParamStr (sArgs,"testtext")

print "<html>"
print " <body>"
print " <form action=html-test method=post>"
print " <textarea name=testtext style=""width:700;height:300"">"
print testtext
print " </textarea>"

print " <br>"
print " <input type=submit>"

print " </form>"
print " </body>"
print " </html>"

Essentially what the server script does is take the posted data in the text
area and simply use it again for the new text area for the response. So the
idea is to see if what is typed in the text area is completing the loop of
being sent to the server and used again for the text area, to see if
anything is being cut off.

When starting with a text area data of anything less than the magic number
of "1500", everything is fine. The form can be submitted, and the posted
data is used again for text area. The browser displays the new text area
with the proper text.

However, once text of length 1500+ is used (It could be multiple lines, but
a total text area length of 1500+), the web server properly sends the
response with the proper text, but the BROWSER now issues the error:


This is not a server response.

Nothing is being cut off, but even if it was (which it is not, our logs is
showing the entire response is being sent), that would only mean the text
area would have the cut off text with no error. No, instead the browser
shows this error.

Can anyone explain this?

A google search on the net seems to indicate this is not an isolated issue.
I just need to know if this is a known problem so I can pass it on to the

Thanks in advance.

Hector Santos

hmmmmmmm, I was just thinking.

Could this be related and/or something done by Microsoft to security against
this vulnerability?

MS03-045 - Buffer Overrun in the ListBox and in the ComboBox
Control Could Allow Code Execution (824141)

Maybe this is a new "security feature" in the latest IE browser to prevent
large buffer overruns security issues related to a malicious web server
sending this data?


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