tina said:
sorry malke
here is about more information,
windows xp
zone labs
windows defender
the error message i am get is 0x800a1391
i have tried all the different ways to sort the problem but nothing.
so any help would be great
That error sounds like it is involved with Windows Defender, which is a
*beta* product. "Beta" means software that isn't finished and is still
in the bug-checking phase. I don't use beta software on my Windows
machines, so I can't help you with Defender questions. You should post
this in one of the WD groups. Here's that information:
At this time, support for the beta version of Microsoft Windows
AntiSpyware now called 'Windows Defender' is being provided through the
following Microsoft newsgroups:
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.announcements
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.appcompat
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.general
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.install
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.networking
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.signatures
- microsoft.private.security.spyware.onlinecommunity
These newsgroups can be accessed via NNTP or HTTP. To access these
newsgroups using HTTP, please go to the following location:
To access these newsgroups using NNTP, please use the following
information for your NNTP client (such as Microsoft Outlook Express):
- NNTP Server: privatenews.microsoft.com
- Account name: privatenews\spyware
- Password: spyware
NOTE: No password will be required via the HTTP link.