'John John' wrote, in part:
| If you're worried that the power from it isn't clean enough then you
| could attach an uninterruptible power supply to it. UPS like the better
| ones manufactured by APC condition and regulate the power output.
Doesn't your suggestion seem an awfully complicated approach?
And expensive?
When the more likely solutions are to read the manual, and either do nothing
or flip a switch? (Specifications for ATX power supplies require
functioning in the 120 VAC and 220 VAC range, either automatically or by a
manual switch.)
And when the original poster needs a permanent solution?
You are correct in that switching power supplies can handle a broader range
of input AC than, say, an air conditioner.
But then that's not the point.
Canada and the USA both have 60 Hz 120 VAC nominal power, use the same
power cord plugs, and share a power grid.
Phil Weldon
| Something like this would work just fine Phil:
| If you're worried that the power from it isn't clean enough then you
| could attach an uninterruptible power supply to it. UPS like the better
| ones manufactured by APC condition and regulate the power output.
| For all it's worth you should know that the power coming from the grid
| in North America fluctuates by 10% or more. You should also know that
| the power supplied in Canada is rated at 120V while the power in the US
| is rated at 110V, yet computers supplied for North American consumers
| are not affected by this difference in the power voltage. In reality
| power supplied in North America will be anywheres between 105 volts to
| 130 volts and will be different from one day to the next depending on
| the demand on the grid.
| John
| Phil Weldon wrote:
| > 'John John' wrote:
| > | Excuse me, a power converter.
| > _____
| >
| > No, not that either. See my posts above and below.
| >
| > Phil Weldon
| >
| > | > | Excuse me, a power converter.
| > |
| > | John
| > |
| > | Phil Weldon wrote:
| > | > 'John John' wrote:
| > | > | Get a power adapter for it or if the power supply permits it
| > the
| > | > | input selection switch.
| > | > _____
| > | >
| > | > A power adapter is NOT the way to go.
| > | >
| > | > Phil Weldon
| > | >
| > | > | > | > | Get a power adapter for it or if the power supply permits it
| > the
| > | > | input selection switch.
| > | > |
| > | > | John
| > | > |
| > | > | OrbeaKickA wrote:
| > | > |
| > | > | > Does anyone know a way to convert this PC so I can run it in the
| > States
| > | > when
| > | > | > I move back?
| > | > | > Thanks
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >