Package Deployment Registry Modification Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter tkosel
  • Start date Start date


I have an Access 2007 database that I want to deploy using the Runtime. When
I launch the Package Deployment wizard, I know how to do most of the stuff.
There are a couple of questions that have come up however.

1. When I specify the Root Install Folder as the System Drive (All Users),
and the Install subfolder as Program Files\MicroVuParser, the Example Install
location says C:\Program Files\MicroVuParser\MicroVuParser.accdr, which is
where I want it to go. However, later in the wizard, it says; "The
destination install subfolder name cannot contain any of the following
characters: /:*?"<>|+,;=[] I understand this, however I don't see any of
those characters in my Example location. Any ideas?

2. I want to include an additional registry key to eliminate the startup
security messages. In my research, I found someone who suggested the
modification below would do that. I am not a registry expert, but the way I
undestand it, in the additional registry keys setting, the Root would be
"Current User", the Key would be
"\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security" The name would be
""VBAWarnings" and the value would be "00000001". Am I correct in that?
Also, it it right that this will eliminate the startup security message on


3. Last Question. Perhaps I don't really need to worry about Item 2 above.
Does the runtime installation package automatically designate the installed
location of the package as a "trusted" location?

Any ideas, comments, opinions, suggestions would be appreciated!

Thanks for your response, however I do not fully understand. Perhaps I am
stupid, but I don't see clear answers. I am asking for a little more
clarification. Hope that is ok.

1. As I indicated, the suggested Install path in the wizard is "C:\Program
Files\MicroVuParser\MicroVuParser.accdr". No white space, path clearly
demarcated and as far as I know a perfectly legal path statement. No "\\" is
present. I do not see any illegal characters. One thing I might add, is
that if I remove the "\MicroVuParser" portion, the suggested install path is
then "C:\Program Files\MicroVuParser.accdr" which it seems to like fine.
However, that is not where I want to install it. I want it in: "C:\Program
Files\MicroVuParser\" and the filename will be "MicroVuParser.accdr".

2. Are you telling me that this registry modification is a good idea or
not? You say you would reccomend me doing that, but then go on to say (I
think), that there are reasons I shouldn't do it. I think I agree with all
your reasons, however, this application needs to be totally automated, it
doesn't require any interaction with the user. So bottom lines, would you
do it amd will it work? Lastly, are my assumptions about the registry key
Nomenclature and the wizard entries correct?

3. So, when the package is installed, it does NOT automatically create a
"trusted" location? Is it really true there can only be one trusted
location? It looks to me as if you can set many trusted locations in Access
2007. (Including network locations if desired.)

Maurice said:

the first issue you might have is the fact that sometimes the packager
expects you to add an additional folder or sometimes you end up with two \\
in your path suggested by the packager. So take a close look in the textbox
if you either see this or maybe a white space...

For the second option you are talking about i would recommend doing that.
First of you are setting a registry key which might affect other db as well.
Furthermore the messages are there for a reason. You are the expert and for
you it might be annoying. For the user it might be a reminder of what they
are working with and that they shouldn't take everything for granted.

The last option you are talking about is also a tricky one. By default there
will only be one trusted location. The location you are trying to install to
will not be automatically be associated as 'trusted'. As you might have
guessed this also has to be done via the registry. Runtime doesn't offer much
room for error does it.

Maurice Ausum

tkosel said:
I have an Access 2007 database that I want to deploy using the Runtime. When
I launch the Package Deployment wizard, I know how to do most of the stuff.
There are a couple of questions that have come up however.

1. When I specify the Root Install Folder as the System Drive (All Users),
and the Install subfolder as Program Files\MicroVuParser, the Example Install
location says C:\Program Files\MicroVuParser\MicroVuParser.accdr, which is
where I want it to go. However, later in the wizard, it says; "The
destination install subfolder name cannot contain any of the following
characters: /:*?"<>|+,;=[] I understand this, however I don't see any of
those characters in my Example location. Any ideas?

2. I want to include an additional registry key to eliminate the startup
security messages. In my research, I found someone who suggested the
modification below would do that. I am not a registry expert, but the way I
undestand it, in the additional registry keys setting, the Root would be
"Current User", the Key would be
"\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security" The name would be
""VBAWarnings" and the value would be "00000001". Am I correct in that?
Also, it it right that this will eliminate the startup security message on


3. Last Question. Perhaps I don't really need to worry about Item 2 above.
Does the runtime installation package automatically designate the installed
location of the package as a "trusted" location?

Any ideas, comments, opinions, suggestions would be appreciated!

first option; if you don't have any illegal characters then why not go for
the default instance path. This path is merely for creating the package. This
will be the location where the package is at the end of the packaging. During
the setup the user can alter the path to where they will install it. So no
clear answer here but this options always causes some confusion during
packaging. I tend to go for the default and then alter it during the

second option: I don't know if the keys you are referring to will actually
set the warnings off. First look would say that it would however i've never
used them that way. What is was trying to say is that warnings are often
surpressed when they shouldn't. So summary; yes adjust it via regkeys will it
work? i don't know haven used it that way.

Third option: trusted locations are keys set to local registry. When adding
Access runtime the only trusted location is the default location where the
runtime is installed. In a regular access environment you can add as many
trusted locations as you like by using the Access options. These options
won't be available once you have packaged your db so in that case you have to
manually add some keys where you add a trusted location yourself.

Maurice Ausum

tkosel said:

Thanks for your response, however I do not fully understand. Perhaps I am
stupid, but I don't see clear answers. I am asking for a little more
clarification. Hope that is ok.

1. As I indicated, the suggested Install path in the wizard is "C:\Program
Files\MicroVuParser\MicroVuParser.accdr". No white space, path clearly
demarcated and as far as I know a perfectly legal path statement. No "\\" is
present. I do not see any illegal characters. One thing I might add, is
that if I remove the "\MicroVuParser" portion, the suggested install path is
then "C:\Program Files\MicroVuParser.accdr" which it seems to like fine.
However, that is not where I want to install it. I want it in: "C:\Program
Files\MicroVuParser\" and the filename will be "MicroVuParser.accdr".

2. Are you telling me that this registry modification is a good idea or
not? You say you would reccomend me doing that, but then go on to say (I
think), that there are reasons I shouldn't do it. I think I agree with all
your reasons, however, this application needs to be totally automated, it
doesn't require any interaction with the user. So bottom lines, would you
do it amd will it work? Lastly, are my assumptions about the registry key
Nomenclature and the wizard entries correct?

3. So, when the package is installed, it does NOT automatically create a
"trusted" location? Is it really true there can only be one trusted
location? It looks to me as if you can set many trusted locations in Access
2007. (Including network locations if desired.)

Maurice said:

the first issue you might have is the fact that sometimes the packager
expects you to add an additional folder or sometimes you end up with two \\
in your path suggested by the packager. So take a close look in the textbox
if you either see this or maybe a white space...

For the second option you are talking about i would recommend doing that.
First of you are setting a registry key which might affect other db as well.
Furthermore the messages are there for a reason. You are the expert and for
you it might be annoying. For the user it might be a reminder of what they
are working with and that they shouldn't take everything for granted.

The last option you are talking about is also a tricky one. By default there
will only be one trusted location. The location you are trying to install to
will not be automatically be associated as 'trusted'. As you might have
guessed this also has to be done via the registry. Runtime doesn't offer much
room for error does it.

Maurice Ausum

tkosel said:
I have an Access 2007 database that I want to deploy using the Runtime. When
I launch the Package Deployment wizard, I know how to do most of the stuff.
There are a couple of questions that have come up however.

1. When I specify the Root Install Folder as the System Drive (All Users),
and the Install subfolder as Program Files\MicroVuParser, the Example Install
location says C:\Program Files\MicroVuParser\MicroVuParser.accdr, which is
where I want it to go. However, later in the wizard, it says; "The
destination install subfolder name cannot contain any of the following
characters: /:*?"<>|+,;=[] I understand this, however I don't see any of
those characters in my Example location. Any ideas?

2. I want to include an additional registry key to eliminate the startup
security messages. In my research, I found someone who suggested the
modification below would do that. I am not a registry expert, but the way I
undestand it, in the additional registry keys setting, the Root would be
"Current User", the Key would be
"\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Access\Security" The name would be
""VBAWarnings" and the value would be "00000001". Am I correct in that?
Also, it it right that this will eliminate the startup security message on


3. Last Question. Perhaps I don't really need to worry about Item 2 above.
Does the runtime installation package automatically designate the installed
location of the package as a "trusted" location?

Any ideas, comments, opinions, suggestions would be appreciated!
You could buy Sage installer and handle everything. "c:\Program Files"
might give you an issue on Vista.

Just my two cents. I asked Sage what they did to suppress the warnings and
basically they made some registry settings and then reset them back after
the program finished (but of course they wouldn't tell me what they did), I
think they said it was many months of work to figure out?

Of course the downside is the sage product is not free or even cheap.