pack-n-go gives blank slides...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Judi Tousley
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Judi Tousley

WinXP, PowerPoint 2002

My photo presentation has linked WAVs throughout. It plays beautifully from
the original saved document. I then saved it through Pack-N-Go.

When the program is run through PPVIEW, every so often the slide appears
black without a photo. If I run it again, the same thing happens but
different sporatic slides appear black without the photo. The music plays as
it should. There are no custom animations, just a default slide transition
every 4 seconds with music playing for XX slides. Anyone know how this can
be corrected?

Hi Judi,

Why don't you consider zipping up all your files instead
of using pack and go? has great info for a
variety od methods for sharing presentations.
