Pack & Go

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cydney Nakama
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Cydney Nakama


Apparently I don't have the "Pack & Go" feature installed
on my computer. It asked for the Window's XP
Professional CD so that it could install it. I put it in
and it said that it couldn't be found. Is there a way
that I could get this feature installed? Can I download
the file? Please help! Thanks!
Which version of PowerPoint are you using? If you must use P&G, *Do Not* go
directly to your CD. P&G to your HD, and then burn the files to your CD.

Which makes me ask if your putting the stuff onto a CD, why use P&G at all. It
was OK when all you had were floppies, as it would span diskettes

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]


Apparently I don't have the "Pack & Go" feature installed
on my computer. It asked for the Window's XP
Professional CD so that it could install it. I put it in
and it said that it couldn't be found. Is there a way
that I could get this feature installed? Can I download
the file? Please help! Thanks!