Pack & go CAB-file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Christian Günther
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Christian Günther


I am using powerpoint XP (2002). I have already installed the powerpoint
viewer as well the 2003-version and the older one, that means: I loaded it
down and installed itautomatically. Using the option "pack & go", the notice
appears: powerpoint couldn´t produce the CAB-file.

What does this notice mean? What´s my mistake? How can I managed saving my
show for the use at computer without having the real program?

Thank you very much for any answer and help.
Is that the exact wording of the message? Could you double check it? Pack and
Go produces a file called pres0.ppz, which is an archive file, similar to a CAB
file. However, I can't find any reference to the message wording that you have

Pack and Go is not my favorite way to accomplish the task. The manual method
requires more work, but it might be the way to work around your problem. See, which described how to assemble all of
the files you need for a CD or other removable storage device.
Hallo Sonia,

I use the german version of powerpoint XP. The german notice is: "PowerPoint
konnte die CAB-Datei nicht erstellen". The assistent don´t offer me the
option to include the MS powerpoint viewer. When i trie it without this
offer, the notice from above appears.



You might want to ask in the German PowerPoint News Group

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Hallo Sonia,

I use the german version of powerpoint XP. The german notice is: "PowerPoint
konnte die CAB-Datei nicht erstellen". The assistent don´t offer me the
option to include the MS powerpoint viewer. When i trie it without this
offer, the notice from above appears.


As I said, this is not a message that I have ever encountered with Pack and Go.
It is possible that it is unique to the German version. I recommend that you
post your question in the German newsgroup. Perhaps someone there has
experienced the same problem or knows the solution:


Also to be sure that you have installed the Viewer correctly, try opening it.
It should be installed at
C:\Program Files\PowerPoint Viewer. If Pack and Go does not offer the
opportunity to include the Viewer, it means that it does not see that it is
installed. However, this should not cause the message that you are seeing.
I see a couple of promising threads in the German PPT group.

Perhaps one of these will give you ideas.
Based on the first of the German threads that Echo provided, I can confirm
similar behavior in the English version of PowerPoint 2002. The presentation
cannot be successfully packed if a Modify password has been assigned and you
select Read Only when the password is requested. In the English the message is
"PowerPoint can't create a copy of the presentation. The disk may be full."
Also, Pack and Go refuses to include the Viewer if a password has been assigned.

If your presentation has a Modify password assigned, try re-saving it with a
different name and do not assign it a password. Let us know if that helps.

there`s no password assigned to the presentation, but it´s still the same
The seven files of powerpoint viewer are automatically installed at
C:\Programme\Microsoft Office\PowerPoint Viewer\. During the installing
process there is no question about the desired location for these files.
Then this may be a unique problem with the German version of PowerPoint 2003.
Try posting your question in the German group - -