Pablo's Site Has Updates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Adkins
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Bob said:
Pablo Van Der Meer's site has a few updates.

For those who aren't familiar, Pablo authors some very nice, compact
software. It's all free, source code available, and most require no install.

-- Bob
Thanks, Bob. Pablo and Nir Sofer both create many useful no-install programs.

A question- all those server utilities on Pablo's site. For the home user with no
interest in his own internet server, these programs are not useful?

Mike Sa
Thanks, Bob. Pablo and Nir Sofer both create many useful no-install programs.

Yes, his uninstaller is especially nice.
A question- all those server utilities on Pablo's site. For the home user with no
interest in his own internet server, these programs are not useful?

Probably not. When you need that type of utility, you usually know about it
right away.

-- Bob
Bob said:
Yes, his uninstaller is especially nice.

Probably not. When you need that type of utility, you usually know about it
right away.

-- Bob
OTOH - Some of those utils are useful for people who are not big into
running a full web server but would like a little web functionality. I
have been using Pablo's FTP server for some time to transfer files to
and from work. It is nice and very handy to be able to do this.

John Hood
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