I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I fix this?
in the OAB (PAB) to show in my contacts? I've told outlook to use contactsGlenn said:Sue,
I understand they are two different things. How do I get my entries
to fix?Glenn
----- Sue Mosher [MVP] wrote: -----
The PAB and the Contacts folder are two different places for storing
contacts. They're not connected in any way. What is it that you want
in the OAB (PAB) to show in my contacts? I've told outlook to use contactGlenn said:Sue
I understand they are two different things. How do I get my entrie
to fixcontacts. They're not connected in any way. What is it that you wan
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to show in myGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on Outlook
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder. That's one of the
reasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the Outlook Address Book.
Russ Valentine
fix this?Glenn said:I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to show in mGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on Outloo
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder. That's on of thGlen
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you
reasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the Outlook Address Book
Russ Valentin
Glenn said:I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do fix this
files still call the address book a personal address book. I have enteredGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. The embedded help
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB.
Your question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an entry in the
Outlook Address Book that does not exist in a Contacts Folder. The Outlook
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that resides in a
Contacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
OutlookGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to show in my
contacts folder?That's oneThe PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder.Glenn
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
of thereasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the Outlook Address Book.
Russ Valentine
Glenn said:I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I fix this?
files still call the address book a personal address book. I have entereGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. The embedded hel
Your question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an entry i th----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB
Outlook Address Book that does not exist in a Contacts Folder. Th Outloo
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that reside in
Contacts Folder
Russ Valentin
OutlooGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help o
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to show i m
contacts folderThat's onThe PAB is completely separate from the Contacts FolderGlen
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you
of threasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the Outlook Addres Book
Russ Valentin
Glenn said:I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do fix this
I've already posted all the other solutions you might need.Change.).
personal folder. I have one main contacts folder with two subfolders underGlenn said:Here goes. I'm running Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219)SP-2. I have one
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I'm sure it can be explained if you tell us the precise configuration of
your Outlook Profile, how many Personal Folders exist, how many Contacts
Folders exist, how you have the Outlook Address Book configured and exactly
how you are creating these Contacts. Include your Outlook version and
whether you installed it clean or not. I would also suggest that if for some
reason you were using the PAB with this profile, that you start over with a
clean Profile that contains only one PST file and the Outlook Address Book
Service. Instructions here:
Then to be sure you configure the Outlook Address Book correctly:
Russ Valentine
embedded helpGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. The
files still call the address book a personal address book. I have entered
new contacts into the contacts folder only to have them not display in the
contacts folder however when I select the little open book icon for the
address book, the new entry is there. I've even had the experience of
having an entry that I just typed into a new contact not display in contacts
or the address book and so I do a find on it and boom, its there and I can
display the information. Can that be explained.entry inYour question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB.
theTheOutlook Address Book that does not exist in a Contacts Folder.residesOutlook
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that
in ashow inContacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
OutlookGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to
myAddresscontacts folder?That's oneGlenn
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder.
of thereasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the OutlookBook.
not in the contacts list, and that's where I created them at.Glenn said:Because there are entries with email addresses in the OAB that are
I've already posted all the other solutions you might needChange.)
personal folder. I have one main contacts folder with two subfolders undeGlenn said:Here goes. I'm running Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219)SP-2. I have on
o----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
I'm sure it can be explained if you tell us the precise configuratio
your Outlook Profile, how many Personal Folders exist, how man Contact
Folders exist, how you have the Outlook Address Book configured an exactl
how you are creating these Contacts. Include your Outlook version an
whether you installed it clean or not. I would also suggest that i for som
reason you were using the PAB with this profile, that you start ove with
clean Profile that contains only one PST file and the Outlook Addres Boo
Service. Instructions here
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q287/0/72.asRuss ValentinThen to be sure you configure the Outlook Address Book correctly http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;28756
embedded helGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. Th
files still call the address book a personal address book. I hav entere
new contacts into the contacts folder only to have them not displa in th
contacts folder however when I select the little open book icon fo th
address book, the new entry is there. I've even had the experienc o
having an entry that I just typed into a new contact not display i contact
or the address book and so I do a find on it and boom, its there an I ca
display the information. Can that be explainedentry iYour question is confusing. There can be no such thing as a----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB
thThOutlook Address Book that does not exist in a Contacts FolderresidesOutloo
Address Book contains no data and can only display data tha
in ashow inContacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
OutlookGlenn said:Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to
myAddresscontacts folder?That's oneGlenn
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder.
of thereasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the OutlookBook.
Address Book interface is. When I want to add a contact into the contactsGlenn said:I only make entries into my Contacts folder. I don't know what the
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Bingo. One of those three Contacts Folders will contain the entries you see
in your Outlook Address Book. It cannot be otherwise. Never make entries
directly into the Address Book interface--that's not what it's for and
you'll lose track of them. Always make entries into the Contacts Folder
where you want them to reside. Make sure you are displaying the correct
Contacts Folder(s) in the Outlook Address Book (Tools > E-mail accounts >
View or change existing directories or address books > Outlook Address BookI've already posted all the other solutions you might need.Change.).
Russ Valentine
oneGlenn said:Here goes. I'm running Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219)SP-2. I have
personal folder. I have one main contacts folder with two subfolders under
that. When I look at my OAB from the Tools/Email Accounts/View existing
address books, OAB is the only one there. When I look at the properties of
the contacts file/OAB, the box is checked to use as an email as an address
book. I was never using a PAB, I only mentioned PAB vs. OAB because the
embedded help file calls it a PAB. It was a clean install and I have only
my pst file.configuration----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I'm sure it can be explained if you tell us the precisemanyof
your Outlook Profile, how many Personal Folders exist, howconfigured andContacts
Folders exist, how you have the Outlook Address Book
exactlythat ifhow you are creating these Contacts. Include your Outlook version and
whether you installed it clean or not. I would also suggest
for somestart overreason you were using the PAB with this profile, that you
with aAddressclean Profile that contains only one PST file and the OutlookhaveBook
Service. Instructions here:
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q287/0/72.aspcorrectly:Then to be sure you configure the Outlook Address Book
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;287563Russ Valentine
embedded helpGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. The
files still call the address book a personal address book. Idisplayentered
new contacts into the contacts folder only to have them not
in theicon forcontacts folder however when I select the little open book
theexperienceaddress book, the new entry is there. I've even had thedisplay inof
having an entry that I just typed into a new contact not
contactsthere andor the address book and so I do a find on it and boom, its
I canFolder.display the information. Can that be explained.entry in----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB.
Your question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an
theOutlook Address Book that does not exist in a ContactsTheresidesOutlook
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that
in ashow inContacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on Outlook
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to
myAddresscontacts folder?
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder. That's one
of the
reasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the OutlookBook.
Russ Valentine
I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I
fix this?
Address Book interface is. When I want to add a contact into the contactGlenn said:I only make entries into my Contacts folder. I don't know what th
accounts >> View or change existing directories or address books > Outlooyou se----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
Bingo. One of those three Contacts Folders will contain the entrie
in your Outlook Address Book. It cannot be otherwise. Never mak entrie
directly into the Address Book interface--that's not what it's fo an
you'll lose track of them. Always make entries into the Contact Folde
where you want them to reside. Make sure you are displaying th correc
Contacts Folder(s) in the Outlook Address Book (Tools > E-mai
I've already posted all the other solutions you might needChange.)
Russ Valentin
onGlenn said:Here goes. I'm running Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219)SP-2. I hav
personal folder. I have one main contacts folder with two subfolder unde
that. When I look at my OAB from the Tools/Email Accounts/Vie existin
address books, OAB is the only one there. When I look at th properties o
the contacts file/OAB, the box is checked to use as an email as a addres
book. I was never using a PAB, I only mentioned PAB vs. OAB becaus th
embedded help file calls it a PAB. It was a clean install and I hav onl
my pst fileconfiguratio----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: ----
I'm sure it can be explained if you tell us the precismano
your Outlook Profile, how many Personal Folders exist, hoconfigured anContact
Folders exist, how you have the Outlook Address Boo
exactlthat ihow you are creating these Contacts. Include your Outloo version an
whether you installed it clean or not. I would also sugges
for somstart overeason you were using the PAB with this profile, that yo
withAddresclean Profile that contains only one PST file and the OutloohaveBoo
Service. Instructions here
http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q287/0/72.ascorrectlyThen to be sure you configure the Outlook Address Boo
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;28756Russ Valentin
embedded helpGlenn said:Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. Th
files still call the address book a personal address book. Idisplayentered
new contacts into the contacts folder only to have them not
in theicon forcontacts folder however when I select the little open book
theexperienceaddress book, the new entry is there. I've even had thedisplay inof
having an entry that I just typed into a new contact not
contactsthere andor the address book and so I do a find on it and boom, its
I canFolder.display the information. Can that be explained.entry in----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB.
Your question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an
theOutlook Address Book that does not exist in a ContactsTheresidesOutlook
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that
in ashow inContacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on Outlook
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB to
myAddresscontacts folder?
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder. That's one
of the
reasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the OutlookBook.
Russ Valentine
I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I
fix this?
when I select it from the tool bar, that do not display in the contact view.Glenn said:Well Russ, I beg to differ with you. I have entries that show in the OAB
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
The Address Book interface is simply the view of your Contacts Folder you
get when you open the Address Book in Outlook. That's all the Outlook
Address Book is: a view of your Contacts Folder. That's why it is not
possible for you to see an entry in your Address Book that does not exist in
at least one of your Contacts Folders.
Russ Valentine
Address Book interface is. When I want to add a contact into the contactsGlenn said:I only make entries into my Contacts folder. I don't know what the
folder, I select that contacts folder and the select "New" from the toolbar.
If I want a contact in the subfolder, I then copy from the contact view into
the subfolder, and no the missing contacts are not in the subfolders, I'veentrieslooked.----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Bingo. One of those three Contacts Folders will contain the
you seemakein your Outlook Address Book. It cannot be otherwise. Neverforentries
directly into the Address Book interface--that's not what it'sContactsand
you'll lose track of them. Always make entries into thetheFolder
where you want them to reside. Make sure you are displayingaccounts >> View or change existing directories or address bookscorrect
Contacts Folder(s) in the Outlook Address Book (Tools > E-mail
Address BooksubfoldersI've already posted all the other solutions you might need.Change.).
Russ Valentine
oneGlenn said:Here goes. I'm running Outlook 2002 (10.4712.4219)SP-2. I have
personal folder. I have one main contacts folder with twoAccounts/Viewunder
that. When I look at my OAB from the Tools/Emailas anexisting
address books, OAB is the only one there. When I look at the properties of
the contacts file/OAB, the box is checked to use as an email
addressbecausebook. I was never using a PAB, I only mentioned PAB vs. OABI havethe
embedded help file calls it a PAB. It was a clean install and
onlymy pst file.configuration----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I'm sure it can be explained if you tell us the precisemanyof
your Outlook Profile, how many Personal Folders exist, howconfigured andContacts
Folders exist, how you have the Outlook Address Book
exactlythat ifhow you are creating these Contacts. Include your Outlook version and
whether you installed it clean or not. I would also suggest
for somestart overreason you were using the PAB with this profile, that you
with aclean Profile that contains only one PST file and the OutlookAddresshaveBook
Service. Instructions here:
Then to be sure you configure the Outlook Address Book correctly:
Russ Valentine
Well, maybe I have an alien version of MS Outlook 2002. The embedded help
files still call the address book a personal address book. Idisplayentered
new contacts into the contacts folder only to have them not
in theicon forcontacts folder however when I select the little open book
theexperienceaddress book, the new entry is there. I've even had thedisplay inof
having an entry that I just typed into a new contact not
contactsthere andor the address book and so I do a find on it and boom, its
I canFolder.display the information. Can that be explained.
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
I've never seen Help confuse the PAB and the OAB.
Your question is confusing. There can be no such thing as an entry in
Outlook Address Book that does not exist in a ContactstoThe
Address Book contains no data and can only display data that resides
in a
Contacts Folder.
Russ Valentine
Russ, I realize it's an OAB rather than a PAB, however MS Help on
calls it a PAB still. How can I get the entries in my OAB
show inmy
contacts folder?
----- Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote: -----
Outlook has not used a PAB for years. Why are you?
The PAB is completely separate from the Contacts Folder.
That's one
of the
reasons no one uses it. It was replaced by the Outlook Address
Russ Valentine
I have entries in my PAB that do not show in contacts. How do I
fix this?