"needithot" said:
I have just setup a P5p800 MB. But it will not reconoze my regular 10/100
lan connection.. I have updated all drives but no help as yet..
Anyone, any ideas?
Install "Marvell Yukon VCT (Virtual Cable Tester)" application
from the motherboard CD. Using the tool, it should be possible
to see whether the Marvell chip is recognized, and if it is,
the cable tester can actually tell whether the cable is good
or not. It uses TDR to send a pulse down the cable, and look
for the reflection to come back, just like Radar. Based on the
shape of the returned pulse, it can tell whether the line is
open circuit or not. At least that will tell you whether
there is an electrical connection or not.
As for the chip driver itself, there is a file on the download
page, called "Windows_all.zip" 561KB, and it has drivers for
various Windows OS. Each OS has a .htm file for your web
browser, with instructions on how to install the driver.
If is an INF style install. Maybe you could play with that.