Ron said:
I want to up my memory on my P4PE from 768 to 1 Gig. I have Kingston
DS memory 512 and 256.
Local Computer store can not get PC2700 but says I can use PC3200?
Any know if the system can handle that memory?
Ron Byram
(e-mail address removed)
I would concentrate on getting the right number of "sides"
for each slot. The P4PE has three slots, and slot2 and slot3
are "cross-wired" to each other. If trying to put DIMMs in
both slot2 and slot3, each DIMM must be single sided.
Your 512MB will most likely be double sided, and it goes
in Slot1, nearest the processor.
The two 256MB modules should be single sided. They are
basically 512MB modules, only with the chips on one side
of the module missing. (It is probably possible to make
a double sided 256MB module, and that is what you don't want.)
The BIOS should take care of the speeds. Using the SPD chip
on each DIMM, it reads the timing info, and uses the slowest
module, to determine how to set up the modules. So, your
512MB module in Slot1 will probably dictate how the whole thing
is set up. The PC3200 module can run at DDR333, no problem.
It can probably run as slow as DDR200.