my new P4P800-VM Board doesent run with 1GB Memory.
With 512MB it runs fine
I have test with different Memory Moduls but the sam effekt.
Under Knoppix i get some CDROM Errors and strange Erorrs when im using many Memory.
Under Suse Linux it hangs when the System try to mount the Filesystem.
On Installation it hangs when yast try to put the Files on the new FS.
The System
Memory Kingston Value RAM
CPU 800 FSB 2,8Ghz 1MB Cache
Under Windows XP everything runs fine (or i dont see an error)
Has the Board an Error ?

my new P4P800-VM Board doesent run with 1GB Memory.
With 512MB it runs fine
I have test with different Memory Moduls but the sam effekt.
Under Knoppix i get some CDROM Errors and strange Erorrs when im using many Memory.
Under Suse Linux it hangs when the System try to mount the Filesystem.
On Installation it hangs when yast try to put the Files on the new FS.
The System
Memory Kingston Value RAM
CPU 800 FSB 2,8Ghz 1MB Cache
Under Windows XP everything runs fine (or i dont see an error)
Has the Board an Error ?