What you need depends on what you do, what tools you use, how they use files
and so on.
The things that need to happen:
Know how to install your system from scratch - back to the state it is in
Now (whenever now is).
Have everything at hand, with backup CD's off site. Keep the process
documented if necessary.
Separate System, from Application Software, from Data. Makes it easier to
backup data you create.
Know what files need to be backed up by each application system you use -
this includes freebees such as outlook.
Now, ask yourself some questions like:
If my computer was stolen - along with all media in my office / home, how
much time / effort etc would it take and so cost to get everything back?
Would I have copies of CD's off site or hidden to reinstall all software?
Software Keys? Installation Instructions? Would I have backup tapes or CD's
of data?
Next, ask yourself how you would go about getting back into action if the
PSU in your computer blew up and took the mobo, HDD's and all else with it?
Next, what about each single disc drive... Both drives in a RAID mirror can
fail "at the same time". Happened to a customer a few weeks ago.
To be realistic, if you lost a system at 9AM, don't expect it to be back up
and running before 5PM unless you are well prepared. How much does a days
work earn you?
Many people will be able to say something like: I can backup all my data
onto 1 rewritable CD everyday. I can tollerate 1 lost days work, and will be
able to get CD's for all Windows and Application software if the system gets
stolen. So I will back up to CD everyday...
Others - EG business - will require a more responsive attitude. But it is
difficult to restore the system in only a few hours unless you are prepared,
have the skill, have spares near by, have rehearsed the process...
So, mirrored discs is a good start.
And / Or, having a second disc drive and routinely doing disc to disc
backups every day and during the day if you go out.
And / Or writing those backups to CD / DVD if they will fit *every* day, or
to tape...
So, it is a balance between what it would cost you, what you are willing to
spend, and would you actually perceive that you need.
Remember, there are 1) B(*&)ds out there that will steal everything, 2)
everything man makes crumbles, 3) backups (tape & CD)can fail, 4) raid can
fail.... being prepared is the best defence. Don't rely on any one thing. If
you (are going to) get a tape drive take into consideration the amount of
time it will take to do a restore. Some will take 8 hours to restore a
system when it might take you 1 hour to reinstall windows, 1 hour to
reinstall applications, then 30 minutes to restore data from CD.
Keep it simple.
- Tim
Jake said:
the info here is helping me understand something i never really understood.
Raid period.
So here is my question. I have a fairly recent install on a SATA 120gb
drive. All games loaded and all working well. In fact everything is great. i
would love to have some redundency at this point.
What is (and talk slow) my best solution.
I obviously need another 120gb drive. You guys fill in the rest if you dont