After my post concerning the missing bios option to boot from the SATA
raidrom, (the Ctrl+i option not showing) i now have another simular problem.
Perhaps this time it's just settings related but since i know for sure that
isn't the case with that problem i am scared i will have to rma the board.
First of, normally i run my 2.4c @ fsb240 with no problems whatsoever.
I used my old crucial pc2100 ram @320 in double channel mode (benches >5500
latest Sisoft Sandra).
Now i bought myself for testing practices a cheap 512mb pc400 module and
wanted to run the module @ 240fsb syncronious with the cpu.
But i can't seem to find the correct settings for that to happen.
The module is rated @ cas2,5 and by upping 0.1 or 0.2v i had the hope i
would be able to get it to run @240 but no way.
Sure you never know how high you can get but there seems to be a missing
biosoption here.
I don't have the cpu ratio divider option, according to my manual under:
jumperfree configuration->Configuration System Frequency/voltage
there should be 3 options,
1. AI Overclock Tuner
2. CPU Ratio
3. Performance mode
The first and third i have but the second, CPU Ratio is missing.
Am i just a noob for getting me an non de luxe board?
Perhaps it is necessary for some settings together for this to show up or
I am really getting pissed of here.
Also the CPU Ratio setting wasn't showing up in bios 1009 nor does it with
the 1014 bios.
Any clues?
Perhaps i need a second module for it to show that option?
Very very strange.
Just like that stupid Ctrl+i option which i saw dozens of times but now i
need it it's gone:-(
raidrom, (the Ctrl+i option not showing) i now have another simular problem.
Perhaps this time it's just settings related but since i know for sure that
isn't the case with that problem i am scared i will have to rma the board.
First of, normally i run my 2.4c @ fsb240 with no problems whatsoever.
I used my old crucial pc2100 ram @320 in double channel mode (benches >5500
latest Sisoft Sandra).
Now i bought myself for testing practices a cheap 512mb pc400 module and
wanted to run the module @ 240fsb syncronious with the cpu.
But i can't seem to find the correct settings for that to happen.
The module is rated @ cas2,5 and by upping 0.1 or 0.2v i had the hope i
would be able to get it to run @240 but no way.
Sure you never know how high you can get but there seems to be a missing
biosoption here.
I don't have the cpu ratio divider option, according to my manual under:
jumperfree configuration->Configuration System Frequency/voltage
there should be 3 options,
1. AI Overclock Tuner
2. CPU Ratio
3. Performance mode
The first and third i have but the second, CPU Ratio is missing.
Am i just a noob for getting me an non de luxe board?
Perhaps it is necessary for some settings together for this to show up or
I am really getting pissed of here.
Also the CPU Ratio setting wasn't showing up in bios 1009 nor does it with
the 1014 bios.
Any clues?
Perhaps i need a second module for it to show that option?
Very very strange.
Just like that stupid Ctrl+i option which i saw dozens of times but now i
need it it's gone:-(