P4P800 MB SoundMax Sound problem

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Not sure if I should post here or in Microsoft FS newsgroup, probably
more help here for the problem I'm having.

I'm getting lots of strange sound-problems with built-in P4P800 (bios
version 1012) SoundMax sound, but only with one application, FS2004,
stock install.

The (integrated) sound is excellent in all other applications.

Problem occurs flying close to (or inside) heavy cloud-formations.
Frame-rate does drop a bit (normal for FS9) near/in clouds. Sound is
great, and deteriorates only in clouds.

Flying in clouds, the sound gets terrible, lots of nonstop
clicking/popping noises. Sounds such as ATC (aircraft controller voice
transmissions issuing commands), start to slow down; Whereas out of
clouds, ATC-voices sound fine.

ATC-voices are popping/clicking, and the 'speed' of the ATC voices
slows down (no strange distortion in the quality, just the speed in
which they talk). It might take 2x longer for ATC to say something
while flying in clouds, compared to normal speed.

I tried slowing down sound-card (DX acceleration, and BIOS PCI-PnP
Latency (from 64, to a minimum of 32). No fix there.

Soundmax sound-card seems to be fixed on IRQ-17, and no (visible)
conflicts. XP Device Manager won't allow a change/customize IRQ

I have Intel 3.02GHz CPU, 1GB of twin Corsair CAS-2 ram, and Geforce
FX5900se video-card, no devices in PCI any slot, XP-pro with all
critical patches.

Any idea how to get rid of this annoying sound problem, or at least
isolate it?


p.s. Doesn't matter where I set cloud-level details (highest or
lowest) in FS2004, sound problems still occur.

p.s.1 Before this computer, I ran FS2004 with an Athlon 2000+, and
Fortissimo 7.1 video card. Frame-rates were terrible flying near
FS2004 clouds, but never any sound pops/clicks, nor any problems with
ATC speech slow-downs.