According to the manual, there are two USB headers: USB_56 and USB_78.
What is the difference between the 2? Which one should I connect it to for
the front panel? Can I connect it while the computer is running? I would
not risk frying my PC but just wonder if it's OK theoretically.
Supposedly, USB and Firewire is hot-swappable. I don't know if it applies
to connection on motherboard. It may be fine, but I won't do it.
What is the difference between the 2? Which one should I connect it to for
the front panel? Can I connect it while the computer is running? I would
not risk frying my PC but just wonder if it's OK theoretically.
Supposedly, USB and Firewire is hot-swappable. I don't know if it applies
to connection on motherboard. It may be fine, but I won't do it.