Bryce Preston
Have just updated my machine with a P4C800-E deluxe board and the following
P4 3gig prescott
1gig dual channel memory
Radeon 9800 pro
2 maxtor drives connected to the ata133 connector but not in Raid formation
Creative audigy soundcard
netgear network card which supports a second machine
All works well when I am using the machine but when I walk away it hangs
after 15 mins
I have watched it 3 times twice with 2 different screen savers and once with
after 15 min screen freezes with furious disc activity then restarts more
disc activity then freezes
screen does not go blank!!!
Nothing other than a reset will start it again.
The only way I can stop it from happening is to put it into sleep mode then
it happily wakes up even hours afterwards
On another occasions I left it running overnight transcoding a film and it
was fine.
I have tried all 3 settings for suspend mode in Bios in the power menu
I have had power management enabled and disabled
currently I have suspend as s1 only and APM as enabled, video and hard disc
suspend disabled
with windows power setting as always on.
I had to do a repair reinstall of windows XP when I first started the
computer and to eliminate
the graphics card or drivers I tried it with an Nvidia Geforce TI 500 - same
I have had some help from asus but they mention sata drives and an older
Bios as possible problems
I do not have sata drives and bios is the very latest
Also XP is bang upto date with patches
I recognise it is not a serious problem although I think that if I leave it
only downloading something from
the internet it hangs but need to check this out further.
I await help from Asus but would welcome any thoughts you might have as to a
possible solution or things to try.
P4 3gig prescott
1gig dual channel memory
Radeon 9800 pro
2 maxtor drives connected to the ata133 connector but not in Raid formation
Creative audigy soundcard
netgear network card which supports a second machine
All works well when I am using the machine but when I walk away it hangs
after 15 mins
I have watched it 3 times twice with 2 different screen savers and once with
after 15 min screen freezes with furious disc activity then restarts more
disc activity then freezes
screen does not go blank!!!
Nothing other than a reset will start it again.
The only way I can stop it from happening is to put it into sleep mode then
it happily wakes up even hours afterwards
On another occasions I left it running overnight transcoding a film and it
was fine.
I have tried all 3 settings for suspend mode in Bios in the power menu
I have had power management enabled and disabled
currently I have suspend as s1 only and APM as enabled, video and hard disc
suspend disabled
with windows power setting as always on.
I had to do a repair reinstall of windows XP when I first started the
computer and to eliminate
the graphics card or drivers I tried it with an Nvidia Geforce TI 500 - same
I have had some help from asus but they mention sata drives and an older
Bios as possible problems
I do not have sata drives and bios is the very latest
Also XP is bang upto date with patches
I recognise it is not a serious problem although I think that if I leave it
only downloading something from
the internet it hangs but need to check this out further.
I await help from Asus but would welcome any thoughts you might have as to a
possible solution or things to try.