After several days I start getting the following messages logged in
event viewer:
An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The
Registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files
that contain the system's image of the Registry
The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool
because the pool was empty.
Only way out is to power off the system and bring back up. Runs great
for 5-6 days and starts all over again. I have the drives connected
to the Promise RAID controller. Is this a known issue?
event viewer:
An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The
Registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files
that contain the system's image of the Registry
The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool
because the pool was empty.
Only way out is to power off the system and bring back up. Runs great
for 5-6 days and starts all over again. I have the drives connected
to the Promise RAID controller. Is this a known issue?