I have a Asus P4C800-E Deluxe board and 2 Maxtor diamondMaw Plus 9 120Gb
S-ATA Hard Drives... (8mb cache)
"i want to do a RAID 0"
I have 2 solutions:
-1- S-ATA RAID withe Promise 378 Contoller (in my P4C800-E Deluxe)
-2- S-ATA RAID withe Intel RAID...
Please help me to choose to Have the Best performences and security in S-ATA
"RAID 0" Mode...
- What the "+" and the "-" of the ""Promise 378 S-ATA Raid"" Controller and
the ""Intel RAID"" Controller ?????
- What your choise ??
Please Answer me
THX a lot for your help
PS: if the best solution its the Intel RAID Controller what i put when i
Create the RAID 0 in Intel Bios Raid setup ? the Stripe Size ? = 16KB or 64
KB or 128KB ?? i have 2*120 GB (8 mo cache)...
PS2: Thx again for your help
I have a Asus P4C800-E Deluxe board and 2 Maxtor diamondMaw Plus 9 120Gb
S-ATA Hard Drives... (8mb cache)
"i want to do a RAID 0"
I have 2 solutions:
-1- S-ATA RAID withe Promise 378 Contoller (in my P4C800-E Deluxe)
-2- S-ATA RAID withe Intel RAID...
Please help me to choose to Have the Best performences and security in S-ATA
"RAID 0" Mode...
- What the "+" and the "-" of the ""Promise 378 S-ATA Raid"" Controller and
the ""Intel RAID"" Controller ?????
- What your choise ??
Please Answer me

THX a lot for your help
PS: if the best solution its the Intel RAID Controller what i put when i
Create the RAID 0 in Intel Bios Raid setup ? the Stripe Size ? = 16KB or 64
KB or 128KB ?? i have 2*120 GB (8 mo cache)...
PS2: Thx again for your help