Yesterday I 've update my original BIOS to P4C81011 with the ASUS UPDATE
Everything went fine but when I tried to run the ASUS UPDATE program again
it said that it didn't detected a ASUS mobo.
Error messages that I get:
"Unable to load related DLL's"
"Installation will be aborted now"
"Setup program detects no asus motherboard"
"Installation will be aborted now"
"ASUS Biosinfo.dll"
"NT Service registry error! please reboot NT and run again"
I did the upgrade because my pc reboots when it is under heave stress, or is
this caused by a insufficient power-supply?
Can somebody help me?
Yesterday I 've update my original BIOS to P4C81011 with the ASUS UPDATE
Everything went fine but when I tried to run the ASUS UPDATE program again
it said that it didn't detected a ASUS mobo.
Error messages that I get:
"Unable to load related DLL's"
"Installation will be aborted now"
"Setup program detects no asus motherboard"
"Installation will be aborted now"
"ASUS Biosinfo.dll"
"NT Service registry error! please reboot NT and run again"
I did the upgrade because my pc reboots when it is under heave stress, or is
this caused by a insufficient power-supply?
Can somebody help me?