From previous posts, I'm aware both of these chipsets support 1333MHz
FSB's and 45nm CPU's, two key bits of future-proofing.
So what features does the X38 chipset have over the P35?
So far I've got the following:
- Both PCI-Express slots on the X38 are 16x, whereas the second one on
the P35 is at 4x.
- The X38 supports PCI-Express 2.0 (but most GPU's today don't even
reach 1.0's bandwidth limit).
- The X38 "might" support 1600FSB CPU's in the future.
- The P35 has been around longer, so those boards will have a more
revised BIOS.
Have I missed anything?
Finally, having chosen a chipset, which manufacturer should I go for? :
- Gigabyte
Kind Regards,
FSB's and 45nm CPU's, two key bits of future-proofing.
So what features does the X38 chipset have over the P35?
So far I've got the following:
- Both PCI-Express slots on the X38 are 16x, whereas the second one on
the P35 is at 4x.
- The X38 supports PCI-Express 2.0 (but most GPU's today don't even
reach 1.0's bandwidth limit).
- The X38 "might" support 1600FSB CPU's in the future.
- The P35 has been around longer, so those boards will have a more
revised BIOS.
Have I missed anything?
Finally, having chosen a chipset, which manufacturer should I go for? :
- Gigabyte
Kind Regards,