I want to get a digital camera, and it requires at least USB 1.1.
So, I was wondering if the P2B (rev. 1.02) has USB 1.1 ports?
It has BIOS 1013.007. And, I have Windows ME installed.
I checked the instructions, no info there. I checked the web and usenet
archives, and three people claim that it has USB 1.1.
On Asus's site, I wonder if they even have anything more than the
instructions, maybe a P2B Frequently Asked Questions?
I am hoping for official documentation of the USB ports by Asus or at least
computer review site.
So, I was wondering if the P2B (rev. 1.02) has USB 1.1 ports?
It has BIOS 1013.007. And, I have Windows ME installed.
I checked the instructions, no info there. I checked the web and usenet
archives, and three people claim that it has USB 1.1.
On Asus's site, I wonder if they even have anything more than the
instructions, maybe a P2B Frequently Asked Questions?
I am hoping for official documentation of the USB ports by Asus or at least
computer review site.