On one machine I have, I've got a p2b 1.10 running fine at 133 Mhz
with a PIII 1gig cpu. Two sticks of 128mb Cas2 crucial. Runs great.
When I load "system properties" the general tab always shows 1gig cpu
but the memory config is always different. sometimes it says 203mb,
sometimes 64mb; today it's showing 160mb.
cpu-z always shows 256mb.
Si-soft apparently reads from windows and lists 160gb: memory scores
are 998 and 571
pcmark mem score is 1574
winxp will create a hibernation file based upon what its sees, so if
it sees 64mb it will create a hiberfil.sys file of 64mb.
any thoughts?
is it the chipset overclocking?
with a PIII 1gig cpu. Two sticks of 128mb Cas2 crucial. Runs great.
When I load "system properties" the general tab always shows 1gig cpu
but the memory config is always different. sometimes it says 203mb,
sometimes 64mb; today it's showing 160mb.
cpu-z always shows 256mb.
Si-soft apparently reads from windows and lists 160gb: memory scores
are 998 and 571
pcmark mem score is 1574
winxp will create a hibernation file based upon what its sees, so if
it sees 64mb it will create a hiberfil.sys file of 64mb.
any thoughts?
is it the chipset overclocking?